Made it to Charlotte just in time to slam the car into park and run upstairs to change clothes for the candlelight service. Thanks to me, we arrived just late enough that we were in the overflow seating. This is no joke...there was a floor to ceiling 3 ft in diameter pole right directly in front of me. Yep, sure was. I know there was singing but I couldn't tell you who or how many. I enjoyed the service very much in spite of the pole and Avery who ALMOST set my hair on fire. I leaned back just a little too far while she was lighting her candle and we just about had a catastrophe. is the best part of the day. After church Eddie, Avery and I had to stop by the mall so I could get one last gift and no smarty pants the mall was not crowded and we had no problems finding a parking place either. I know, I was shocked too. Anyway...on the way to the mall Eddie and I are talking and laughing and she says, "So Mom, what are we having for dinner tomorrow?" HUH? "Uhhhhh....Eddie, dinner is at your house, I give up..what are we having for dinner tomorrow?" Well, somehow Eddie had gotten the impression that Polly and I were bringing dinner. Personally I think it was one of those if I wish hard enough it will happen kinda things. Too bad you all couldn't see our faces when we realized it was 4PM on Christmas Eve and we had no idea what we were feeding 12 people for the next two days. Oh yes, it was a classic moment. Sooooo....we took a quick inventory of what we had on hand and started a grocery list. Here is the good news. I had brought a rum cake and everything for chicken & noodles and fudge. We bought a small ham, everything to make dressing and 10 lbs of potatoes (if you are having noodles you have to have mashed potatoes) baby carrots and rolls. Avery and I made the noodles tonight and we will make the fudge in the morning. While we were rolling out the noodles Avery said, "Grandma, do you know they sell these in the store?" I think I have her convinced that ours really will be better. Avery had a good time mixing the eggs and flour but unfortunately it looked like it had snowed in one end of Eddie's kitchen by the time we finished. Mike and Eddie went to a neighbors party for a bit this evening so I guess I better fire up the blower and clean up the kitchen!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Dinner? We are having dinner?
Posted by Jan at Monday, December 24, 2007
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