Saturday, June 9, 2007

New Habit

My mother and grandmother kept sporadic diaries and I always wished they had written more. The entries that I love the most are the ordinary ones and you can tell they were almost embarrassed and could not imagine anyone being interested in their daily lives. So with that thought in mind this is my new adventure and I hope to make this a daily habit. Ok...maybe weekly. OH ALL RIGHT...I will do my best to post on a regular basis.

Rob and Ashley left this morning. Rob is my first cousins (Bob Adolph) son and Ashley is Rob's girlfriend whom he met at Rose Hulman. Rob graduated in May and will be moving to Houston this month to start his new job with Exxon. Ashley is working for Boeing in St. Louis and plans to start her PhD at Georgia Tech in January. They are so much fun and I loved having them here. Rob & Ashley fixed a wonderful lasagna dinner on Wednesday evening for 6 of my friends (Sid, Tom, Rosemary, Kim, Tressa & Cameron) and after the guests left Tom, Rob, Ashley and I played euchre. Not many people play euchre here in SC so Tom and I really enjoyed the evening. It was decided by all that Tom was no longer allowed to be the bartender. The house is so quiet since Rob & Ashley left. Morty & Ginglebelle go from room to room looking for them.

I finished another Jodi Picoult book this afternoon...THE PACT. I love the way she makes a story twist and turn. I have already read this months book club book (FOR ONE MORE DAY by Mitch Albom) so I will have to find something else to read tomorrow. Today was a lazy day and if I have my way tomorrow will be more of the same!


Grammysammy said...

This is great!!!
What took you so long?