Friday, May 2, 2008

Birth Defect

Most people are born with a filter between their brain and their mouth but apparently my filter has been missing since birth or I have had so many brilliant thoughts that my filter is worn out. Whatever...the end result is the same. If it pops in my brain you can pretty much count on it falling out of my mouth. So combine what I call the "Maxine attitude" women seem to develop as we age plus my filter defect, hanging around with me in public can be dangerous. I joke about getting older but in reality I love it and wouldn't be under 40 again for anything in the world. Well, don't hold me to that one but let's leave it at me being content with my age and more importantly I'm very content with old, flawed unfiltered me.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I like where I am at too! Another thing we have in common. I have been told many times if I think it, I speak it. It is something I try to work on. On the farm the animals don't mind, it's the husband that talks back. I guess I need to work on Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I have that flood of the mouth going on, too! Can get you in trouble, non??

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Love this :)